Thursday, December 31

Problem of the year?

I have two options when it comes to what to wear tomorrow night. And about 10 minutes to decide which one when I get home after work.

I'll just show up in my pj's. That would be awsome.

Here's a little sneak peak of the final 2..

Wednesday, December 30


Oh my. I'm trying SO HARD not to say "oh well f*ck Australia, let's spend every little penny of that savings account on shopping instead!"

Especially when Yves Saint Laurent has a sale.






$299 instead of $645

The one and only Muse bag. It's just gorgeous.
$899 instead of $1295

$299 instead of $595

$449 instead of $895

Tuesday, December 29

Black or White?

I'm gonna buy a Humanity For All bracelet tomorrow for some of the money that I got for Christmas, but I can't decide if I want a white one or a black one!? It's too haaaaard. I suck at deciding things like these, it can take days or even weeks for me to make a decision.


Resort 2010

There are SO many things I need to fix before I move to Sydney. It's just crazy right now because it's only 6 weeks left! Why do I always postpone everything to the last minute??
Here's a list of what I need to do, like tomorrow:
  • Get a health insurance
  • Apply for student loan
  • Apply for visa
  • Pay first semester tuition
  • Pay rent for January (even though I haven't moved in yet..sucky)
  • Shop everything that's NECESSARY. I'm not allowed to buy one single thing that I don't really need.
But instead of getting a complete breakdown, I convince myself that everything will work out in the end.
And then I dream sweet dreams about Marchesa's Resort collection 2010.
Because that's a lot more fun.

from Style

And I'm pretty sure of that we will see many of these at the Academy Awards in March next year..

Monday, December 28

Cardigans - both for winter and summer

This time of year, at least here in Sweden, you have to dress a little bit warmer or you'll freeze to death (almost). But I think it's hard to find clothes that are good looking, stylish and warm. A nice cardigan is perfect for this kind of weather that we have, but they also work great during colder summer nights. I don't have a lot of them at the moment so that's definitely something I'll be looking for now when the sales start. I found four gorgeous ones at Net A Porter, but they cost a little bit more than what I can afford, but you can always dream, right?

To look at what luxury brands sell is also a great source for inspiration, and many cheaper brands often sell similar versions to a much better price.

These ones are from 3.1 Phillip Lim (€423), Jason Wu (€660), Elizabeth and James (€262) and Donna Karan (€1,821)

Saturday, December 26

I have been so good this year

I'm gonna do this really quick because I'm meeting my friends in like 10 minutes, we're gonna go out and have drinks and dance all night! Anyway, here are some of the things that I got for Chirstmas:

Calvin Klein bathrobe. It's the softest and most wonderful bathrobe I've ever seen.

It's so cozy and perfect for the freeeeezing weather her in Sweden. I love fur, but I don't love where it comes from.

 DKNY perfume and showergel. Smells Amazing.

Season 3 and four of Grey's Anatomy

A hairdryer! I just realized a few weeks ago that I probably won't be able to bring with me the one that we have at home to Sydney.

And then the gift I love the most, and will be PERFECT for Sydney! Carrera sunglasses! They're awsome!

Put a ring on it

If I guy ever gives me a ring like one of these, I'll know he's the one.

J'adore Chanel.

Well hello there.

I can totally see myself wearing these fabulous Roberto Cavallis on New Year's Eve...

With maybe this gorgeous dress by Catherine Malandrino..

The only thing that's keeping my from making my dream come true is my economy.
I would have a personal finacial crisis if I bought these. And my savings account would lock me out forever.

Anyway, all of you who can afford these babies can find them here, as usual.

Now I'm just gonna watch one more episode of Grey's Anatomy before I go to bed.


I got Grey's Anatomy season 3+4 for Christmas, so guess what I've been doing the entire day? Or you know, I've only been awake for 12 hours so it hasn't been I very long day.

I was supposed to go to bed early yesterday (around 1am) but then I found my little brother in his room, watching Zombieland. I watched it for like 30 seconds thinking that "this movie probably sucks", but it was one of the funniest movies I've ever seen, and during the part where Bill Murray dies I laughed so hard I almost fell of the couch.

So I fell asleep around 3am instead, and woke up at 12:30pm today. Nice.

And yeah, sorry for not posting pictures of the gifts that I got, I'll do it tomorrow, pinky swear.

Thursday, December 24

I wish it could be Christmas everyday


I've spent the entire day with my family and relatives, and that's what I'm gonna do for the rest of the evening! I've ate so much food and candy that my stomach will probably explode any second.

And the christmas gifts that I've got are amazing! I'll show you some of them tomorrow, but I'm so greatful for having such generous and wonderful people around me.

Now it's time for Ice Age 3! When I saw it at the movies a couple of months ago, I laughed so hard that I actually cried.

Get Carried Away

I can't wait for the premiere!! I hope I'll find someone in Sydney who wants to see this with me, otherwise I'll go alone because damn it I'm not gonna miss it! But I can't say the trailer is too good, I don't really get the story? It feels more like a teaser than a trailer.

I've got the entire DVD collection at home and I've seen all of the episodes at least twice ;)

In an absolut world, every night is a masquerade

Me and one of my best friends are having a New Year's Eve dinner party at her house and we created an event on Facebook (that's the only way to get in touch with some people nowadays, tragic). We decided that we want all the guests to dress up really fancy and that they have to wear some sort of mask or hat.

So we came up with a name of the event and invited the guest, but the biggest problem was what picture we were going to use as the front of the event. Fireworks were the only thing we could come up with (yeah our imagination pretty much sucks) but that's just so boring when it comes to New Year's Eve! Everything is about the fireworks.

So then I googled (how the hell did people survive before Google??), for some strange reason, blingbling vodka because I remembered seeing a sparkly Absolut Vodka bottle at the airport a couple of years ago and thought it would be fun to use in our event.

But this is what I found instead! How perfect???? It's so awsome!! It's like it was made for our event.

Yeah I know this is probably the worst and most useless blogpost ever, but I just wanted to let you know how proud I was of founding this picture ;)

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire

There's a whole lot of Christmas at our house! My parents get a little crazy every year when it comes to decorating, and while some people would think it's waaaay too much stuff, I really like it. (Even though it sort of looks like Disneyland during Christmas... on ecstasy) But all the lights and the decorations just make me feel good! And I'm gonna enjoy it more than usual this year, since I don't know when I'll be celebrating Christmas in Sweden again. Who knows what I'll be doing next year in Sydney? What's Christmas like when it's 30 degrees and sunny?

Now I'm gonna keep listening to cheesy Christmas songs and eat chocolate, the perfect Wednesday evening ;)

Pictures belong to me

Happy dog

This is so sweet. Just look how happy the dog gets!

Wednesday, December 23

7 weeks.

I just realized something! In 7 weeks, I've been in Sydney for 1 hour! That's CRAZY! It's just a very surreal thought because it's impossible for me to imagine it. I mean, right now I'm sitting on a couch in my cozy home on the other side of the planet, in Stockholm Sweden.

How will I get from here to there? I know by flight of course, but It's such a drastic change. To move your entire life to a whole new location. And speaking about my entire life, how the hell do you pack 20 years into 3 suitcases?

One of the first things I need to do when I get down under, is to get a job. A very well-paid job. Now, where does a Swedish student find one of those in Sydney? Bars? Restaurants? Nanny? I have noooo idea, so it's gonna be a pretty huge challenge.

If that doesn't work, I'm gonna post my blog's URL all over Sydney, get thousands and thousands of readers, and earn the tuition money from ads on the blog! Brilliant idea huh? ;) But it would be pretty perfect, earning a lot of money, and all I need is my laptop and internet access.

I'm off to bed.
Tomorrow I'm working from 1-9pm since the department store that I work at thought it was a Wonderful idea to stay open for one extra hour this week, great for the shoppers, sucky for the staff like me. And before that I have to buy some last minute Christmas gifts, so it's gonna be a loooong day. But when I come home, I got dinner waiting for me and then we're gonna decorate the Christmas tree, so at least I can look forward to a very cozy evening! I promise to post pictures of the tree when it's finished!

Gorgeous by Asos

All dresses can be found here. Prices vary between €43 - 185

Tuesday, December 22

Cozy afternoon

This is what my neighbourhood looks like at the moment, it's like a winter wonderland! So pretty.

I have to start getting ready now. I'm going to "visit" work since one of my co-workers is working her last day today. So me and my other co-worker is going to buy a cake or something and bring with us, to wish her good luck in the future and just have a cozy afternoon!

Kerstin Florian

When I was at the spa yesterday to get my facial, a got a kit with products from the exclusive brand Kerstin Florian to use before the treatment, and to bring with me home.

Even though I've only tried most of the products twice, I can already tell that I really like them! Especially the Chamomille body spray (white bottle), the remineralizing face cream (big tube) and the refreshing neroli water (blue bottle). Unfortunately these products cost waaay more than I can afford, so I just have to enjoy these ones for as long as they last ;)

For the Kids

I just bought this bracelet from Save The Children's swedish webshop. It costs 100SEK (~10EUR) and more than half of the money goes directly to Save The Children's work around the world, trying to improve the living standard of children and their families in less developed countries.

It's for a good cause, and in times like these every little penny that you give matters!

I'm off to bed!
Good night, sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite.

Dresses of 2009

Some of the most gorgeous dresses of 2009. And no, I don't think Lady Gaga's outfit is gorgeous, but her individual style is so awsome, I just had to let her be a part of my collage ;)

2009 is almost over and it's crazy how fast this year went by! I thought it would be the longest year ever, since I'm looking forward to 2010, but it has almost been the opposite. Is this what it's like to have a full time job? Time just flies by and you hardly even notice?

I can't wait to get back to school, get a schedule that's the same every week, meet new people, get to know a different country and just live a life that's (hopefully) completely different to what my life has always been.

Monday, December 21

My first schedule

I have a schedule!! (click on it to see it in a larger version)
I just finished arranging all of my lectures and tutorials, and it feels really good! I'm free on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and my Tuesdays and Wednesdays are very short. Perfect!
It's really getting close now, 7 weeks from now I'm sitting at Heathrow waiting for my connecting flight to Hong Kong that departures at 10:10pm. SCARY!

I can't believe I'm going to do this all on my own. Man I hope I don't screw up.

But I'm gonna study my ass off, and enjoy life as a Swedish student in Sydney!

Oh night divine

This gives me goosebumps more than any other song in the world. Man she's good!

Sunday, December 20

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

It just won't stop snowing here! Remeber the picture I showed you a couple of days ago? That's the one to the left, the one to the right is what our backyard looks like today. I hope it stays until Christmas Eve!

Tomorrow I've got a facial at 2:30pm, and after that I might do some last minute Christmas gift shopping.


Oh wow, I can't really believe this. What has happend with the young and talented Hollywood? First Heath Ledger and now Brittany Murphy, it's so tragic.

But the question now is, who's next?


Blood Diamond (one of my favorite movies, Leonardo DiCaprio is brilliant) just started on tv so I've placed my ass in the couch, covered myself in blankets and eating a delicious orange!

But before I focus on the movie I just have to show you some fabulous clutches, perfect for dinner parties, a night out with the girls or just a romantic dinner with your loved one.

The three first ones are from Valentino, Miu Miu and Marc Jacobs and cost between €530-866

These three are from Mulberry, Bottega Veneta and Judith Leiber and cost between €550-2,616