Sunday, November 22

Scones for everyone

I didn't feel like going out tonight so I stayed at home and watched the latest episode of The Hills, and som old episodes of Gossip Girl and How I Met Your Mother. And! I made scones! My dad and lil'bro were very greatful, which wasn't so weird because the scones were delicious. I should really open a bakery, but man I would get fat! I would eat everything and have nothing to sell, ha!

No, finance or marketing feels like a better choice if I should think about my health. (But the risk of getting a heartattack probably increases instead..)

So, of course I documented the whole baking process! Read, watch and learn my friends:

First of all, and most importantly, the ingredients! This is what the swedish products look like.
From the left: wheat flour, baking powder, milk and butter. And salt, but he didn't get to be in the picture.

Mix everything i a big red (very important) bowl.

Add milk from cow (if you have one nearby, otherwise, from carton is acceptable) and mix.

Make dough into small balls.

Flatten, so the balls look like puntured scones. Use baking-brush to swab them with milk, to give them a nice shiny surface.

Bake in oven for about 15 minutes. And voilá! Looks pretty good huh?

Cover with whaterver you want. I had strawberry jam (low sugar), cream cheese and butter on mine. Yummy yummy yummy I've got love in my tummy.

And of course, the pictures belong to me, and me only.
Ciao! ♥

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