Saturday, November 28

I'm back!

Long time no see! The past 2 days have been crazy, packed with things to do. And when I finally got home I just layed down in the couch, covered myself with blankets and watched all my favorite tv-shows. No strenght for blogging.

Thursday I cleaned the kitchen and did some shopping. Met one of my gal pals at Urban Outfitters and bought a birthday present for the birthday girl, and then I met up with a collegue from work in the evening, had dinner at Blueberry and then we saw "Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky" at the movies. I'm sorry to say this but it suuucked. I mean, yeah it was very pretty and beautiful but so boring! I need action! I don't wanna sit and wait for it to end.. At least it was for free, a little treat from work, and it was a part of the Stockholm Film Festival. Otherwise I would have asked for my money back ;) Or honestly, I wouldn't even have seen it..

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