Thursday, January 21

Nolan's Cheddar

This might be the funniest commercial I've ever seen. I'm laughing so hard that I'm actually crying. I showed it to my lil'bro and dad and they also laughed their asses off.

Spread it to your friends! We all need to laugh ;)

(btw it's not as awful as it looks like..)

Damn it.

I'm a sucky blogger. A very, very sucky blogger.

In my defense, I've worked for 7 days straight (and discovered that Entourage is awsome...) and I've had so much to do in preparation for (haha I was about to write "trip", but I don't really think it counts as a trip if you're moving there for 3 years??) me moving to Sydney. At least I got my application for a student loan confirmed today so now I know for sure that I'll have enough money to survive ;)

I'm also thinking about starting a new blog, with a new better and shorter name. But I don't have any imagination so it's really hard to come up with a name that isn't tacky, too long, too complicated or already taken. Big problem, I know.

Anyway, today I'm meeting a friend of mine at a coffeehouse here in Stockholm called Saturnus. And I swear, they have the largest cinnamon buns in the entire world. They're like 10 times larger than the regular size, and believe it or not, they're delicious and not dry at all. After that I'm meeting my mum for dinner and then we're heading to the opera to see Coppelia, a ballet show. I've never been to a ballet show before so I'm very excited!

Monday, January 4


I was looking around at Asos, hoping to find gorgeous dresses for free, when I saw this picture.

Damn. Those are the longest legs I've ever seen.

Is it for real or just another photoshop disaster?


I know that EVERYONE is talking about this bag right now, and I'm sorry for being one of them, but it's so damn hot I just had to dedicate a post to it! It would be perfect to have for school... and every other occasion.

I have to find an extremely well paid, part time, job when I get to Sydney.

Alexa, by Mulberry.

But I'm a riot yeah

This song is on repeat on my iPod.
It's awsome.

Well hello there

I know I haven't posted anything in a long time. Sorry about that.

But I just don't know what to write.

New Year's Eve was awsome, I think I fell asleep around 6 in the morning. I laughed alot, danced and met new wonderful people. It's getting pretty hard to think about the fact that I'll be leaving this town in 5 weeks. There are so much people that I'm gonna miss so SO much. Thank god for skype. And I've promised some of my friends that we're gonna write letters to each other! Real letters, on paper with stamps and all. No shitty e-mails.

But even though, I'm really looking forward to moving. Packing my 3 suitcases, getting on the plane and boom! 33 hours later I'm in Sydney! I'm gonna loooove the weather, especially since it's about -10 degress (14F)  here in Sweden at the moment. Frickin freeezing.

Saturday night I met up with one of my friends and her boyfriend. We were supposed to meet for some drinks and go home pretty early, since we all had work on Sunday. But I think I got home around 4pm.. hehe. We met some of her boyfriend's friends and had so much fun! I love laughing. And the drinks just kept on coming so after a few hours we laughed at almost anything ;)

I'm gonna try to spend these last 5 weeks just having as much fun as possible.

That's actually my new year's resolution, to have crazy fun and be happy.
Shouldn't be too hard.
Life's what you make it.