Thursday, December 17

Sleep Loss, thanks UNSW.

Good Morning ppl! I've slept for 5 hours. That's not much, especially when I have work today between 12pm - 8pm, I'm gonna fall asleep standing in the store. Sorry costumers and collegues.

So, why the hell did I only sleep for five hours? Let me tell you. Yesterday when I was about to turn of my computer and go to bed, I realized that today (Thursday the 17th) is the first day of chosing courses for next term. So I logged in at UNSW's student website (in the middle of the night) and very happily started to look around.

"Happily" lasted for about 30 seconds, becuase then I realized I didn't understand A N Y T H I N G. What courses should I choose? Why should I choose them? Am I supposed to choose all the courses now? Are these the right courses? Is this the right semester? Is this the right teaching period?

At the same time, I accidentally clicked on one of the courses and saw that it was almost full.

So I panicked.

I started hyperventilating and didn't now what to do. I searched on the school's website hoping to find some kind of clue, but I didn't find any help at all.
So only my parents could help my, but they were alseep (which isn't so weird becuase it was like 2 in the morning).

So I realized that I had to go to sleep, and get up super early to catch my parents before they went to work, so they could help my straight this out.

And that's what I did.

I slept for 2am to 7am. Got up, turned on my computer, panicked a little more, and then my dad helped me and now everything is chill. But I have to start getting ready for work in about 10 minutes.

So yeah. I will die from sleep loss today.

If you would've seen me last night, I would have looked like this:

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