Sunday, November 15

The rest is still unwritten

Hey guys! I've had a great Saturday night with my family. First we all had dinner at TGI Friday's (the Cajun shrimp and chicken pasta is oh so good! It's like a little piece of heaven) and then we saw 2012 at the movies.

All I have to say is that 2012 is a veeery special movie. I LOVED all the action and the "run for your life" thrill but the movie is just like "Day after tomorrow". Everything happens at the same time, the Yellowstone volcano, the earthquakes in California, tsunamis (one of them being 1500m high?) it all just felt a liiittle bit unlikely. And man there were a lot of things that happend in the movie that could never happen irl.

I found a quote from the director Roland Emmerich, saying that 2012 is his final disaster movie:

"I said to myself that I'll do one more disaster movie, but it has to end all disaster movies. So I packed everything in."

Haha, guess that explains why it's packed with catastrophes..

So yeah, there are tons of stuff that I could complain on in this movie but I'm just gonna leave it here and continue by saying that it was also AWSOME!! Like my lil'bro said: I caught myself not breathing several times! Haha...But I'm an action junkie. I love movies like Transformers, The Fast and the Furious, Die Hard, The Dark Knight, Iron Man.. I can go on forever. I love it when you´re almost jumping up and down because it's so thrilling!

The special effects (can you even call it that? I mean, 99% of the movie was animated, special effects are more like big explosions, crashing cars right?) were amazing! It's just crazy that they can make a movie were the whole world is falling apart, and succeed in making it look so realistic.

So, did the movie scare me? Both yes and no. No because it feels so unrealistic that something like this could ever happen, and yes because I'm scared as hell that it will. What if never get a chance to live my life? To finish university, get an amazing career (yeah I have big hopes for myself ;)), meet the man of my dreams, have a family, watch my kids grow up, travel around the world, grow old... I really don't want to miss out on those things!

So please Earth, stay stable for a couple 100 more years? I beg of you.

Now i'm gonna finnish watching "Friends" (my favorite tv-show of all times) and then I'm off to bed!
Nighty night everyone, dream sweet dreams :)

Cozy at home.

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