Tuesday, November 17

No stress

To make it in time for work, I have to get up around 8 in the morning. I shower, eat breakfast, get dressed and put on make-up and leave around 9:10. The bus I usually takes then leaves 9:16 and after a 10min ride I transfer to the subway. After 15min I end up at my station and after that there's a 5min walk to the store that I work in. So I usually arrive around 9:45 and then have 15min to prepare before we open the doors at 10.

Today, I woke up 9:10 when my mom came in to my room and asked me: Don't you start working at 10 today??


It took me 2 minutes to get dressed. No time to shower, my mom made me 2 sandwiches (crappy breakfast) as take-away, and then we jumped into the car and she drow me to the subway. I had to eat breakfast in the car and put on my make-up on the subway, but I actually made it in time!

9:45  I walked in throught the doors. How awsome isn't that?? But I never would have made it if my mom wasn't at home. And it would have been pretty embarassing to call my boss and have to tell her that I overslept..no fun.


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