Tuesday, November 24


In 11 weeks, it will be 10 minutes left until we land in Hong Kong, where I will spend 4½ hours before my flight to Sydney leaves at 21:25.

It's just so surreal.
Last night I dreamt TWICE that I was about to miss my flight from Stockholm because I hadn't finish packing... Typically me..

That kind of dream has always been on of the worst for me. I've dreamt so many times that I've for example been late for school, missed my bus, overslept, missed a huge event, and every time when I've woken up my heart has been beating like crazy because the dream has seemed so real!
It's insane. Result of stress perhaps?

The worse is probably another dream that I've also dreamt 2, but with a couple of years apart. I dreamt that my mom was really, really sick and there was nothing I, or anyone, could do about it. The dream is very short, but the feeling of knowing that my mom is so sick that she might die...it's just..the worst feeling ever, undescribeable.

Oh yeah, I've also dreamt that my brother and one of our common friends drowned when our families were escaping some kind of global disaster. I woke up crying.

Why do you dream like this?? It's fascinating what psycho stories your mind makes up while your sleeping. Where does it all come from?

picture taken with the Hubble Telescope

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