Monday, November 9

Good Scared

I forgot. It's the 8th of November today (or for one more hour, swedish time..) that means that it's exactly 3 months left until I move to the OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD. And that's not a small move.

Wow, I'm seriously starting to get nervous. Can you imagine what a complete nervous breakdown, totally psycho bitch I will be the day before? Or even the week before? Man, that's a scary thought.
I'm kind of excited though, or you know, if I weren't I wouldn't jump on a plane and move to Sydney, but this is something that I've been longing for, for such a long time. Being able to stand on my own two legs, doing whatever I want. There are millions and millions of opportunities in this world, and I'm not gonna miss out on them! I don't wanna be stuck here i tiny Sweden for the rest of my life, so even though it's a big step moving so far away from home, it's what I want. I need change! I need a new start, a new country, a new city, new people, new experiences. And better weather. Man the weather in Sweden suuuucks! I don't think I've seen the sun in the past like 3 months! And I'm the kind of person that feels so much better when it's sunny outside (or who isn't??).

I'm scared as hell of moving and changing my life completely. But it's good scared. I need to do this in order to grow as a person. And if the whole thing just goes straight to hell I move back home again. With a huge failure behind me of course, but also an experience that I've hopefully learned from.

But I'm not gonna give up that easily! I'm a fighter (or at least I'd like to think I am ;)) and I'm gonna make it work! So let's start the count down to 8th of February 2010!

I have to sleep now, tomorrow I'm going to the gym in the morning and then I've got work from 12-20!

Nighty night people.

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