Sunday, November 29


Over all:

Are you most often on time, or late?: I hate to admit it, but I’m almost always late, except for work! I think my friends and family are used to it by now though.. but I still hate it.

What was in most recently in your mouth?: An orange, very exciting.

Are you intelligent?: I’d like to think so. My high school grades were awesome, but I wish I was more street smart.

What do you miss?: High school. I miss seeing my friends every day.

Your favorite drink in the morning: Hot chocolate or juice, but I suck at drinking, I always forget!

What’s your dream job?: Honestly, I’ve no idea what I wanna work with, but as long as I think it’s fun, creative and challenging (and brings in a lot of cash, haha!) I’ll settle for anything.

Are you musical?: I suck at playing instruments, but I’m pretty good at singing! Would love to learn how to play the drums.

Are you spoiled?: My opinion? No! Others? Yes!

Your first…:

Operation: Never had one, and I hope it stays like that.

Piercing: The ears, if that even counts! Think I was around.. 14?

Best friend: tough question.. Can’t really say I’ve ever had a best friend, more like a lot of close friends.

Award: I got an award in 9th grade for good grades and creating a great atmosphere at school! haha.

Sport: Soccer, but I was terrible! Found my passion in dancing later.

Pet: Never had one! My lil’bro and I used to beg and beg and beg for a dog but our parents said no. Which I can understand today, they work a lot and me and bro go to school.

Vacation: I think it was to Paris and Disneyland when I was 6.

Concert: Spice Girls! Hahaha, I was like 10 and saw it with my dad, it was a Christmas gift I think..

Love: Honestly, no love, just a lot of crushes and crashes.


Movie: oh my.. Transformers, Blood Diamond, Crash, The Boondock Saints, SATC the movie, Seven, The Pursuit of Happiness, Wall-E, Madagascar.. I can go on forever.

Tv-show: Friends, SATC, 2 and ½ men, Grey’s Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, The Hills, CSI, Navy CIS, Simpsons.. I love em all!

Music: Almost everything, Coldplay if I have to choose one.

Drink: Cosmopolitan!!

Sport: Dancing

School subject: I liked the most in high school, but I've always hated math, probably because I suck at it ;)

Book: I wish a read a lot more than I do, but I like thrillers and chick lit.

What are you attracted to the most?:

Lips or eyes: Eyes! Gorgeous eyes makes the man.

Hugs or kisses: Kisses, is there anything better?

Shorter or taller: Taller, I want to be able to wear sky high heels and still be shorter ;)

Great arms or great abs: Not necessary, but abs if I have to choose ;)

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